
This is my page for up to date news about my work and courses ……

July/August 2017

Time in Cornwall has given a boost to my efforts for the book, I can really see the end in sight. The publishers are on track for launching next spring!

Hand-in day for the SBA in London, and the SBA 'Tulipomania' in Madrid are looming, so off to the framers!

May/June 2017

Busy typing and researching the book, and painting for my submission to the SBA again this year.

March/April 2017

I have been invited to host a workshop for "Field Breaks" this year ! How exciting....

My tulip bulbs,  T. acuminata , are growing - can't wait to get started on them.

Jan/Feb 2017

A busy year ahead... writing the book "A Coming of Age... celebrating the first 18 years of The Eden Project florilegium Society" , to be published in 2018. 

We are hoping to move into our new home in March, where I will have my new purpose built studio.

October/Nov 2016

My 'Nutmeg & Mace' on vellum sold at the SBA Exhibition in Palmengarten.

Sept 2016

I have been invited to exhibit at "Tulipomania" in Madrid in 2018 !! So have chosen some tulips to order and plant up to flower next spring.

My Nutmeg & Mace is completed both paintings for Palmengarten will be on their way to Germany later this month, for the exhibition in October.

July/August 2016

My last term in my studio in Dorset.

I have been invited to exhibit with the SBA in Palmengarten, Germany "In Pursuit of Plants". I will be submitting  Arisaema kiushianum from my RHS exhibition in 2015, and also hope to do a composition of Nutmeg & Mace on vellum.  

May/June 2016

This is a busy month: I am exhibiting in London at the SBA exhibition London, "Botanica 2016" in Sydney Australia , and "Art in Detail", Cornwall in May and April.

I sold both paintings in Sydney, one at the SBA, and one in Art in Detail !!!


March/April 2016

We now have a buyer for our lovely house and studio. So,  sad as we are to be leaving here, we will be moving to near Stockbridge in September. We have bought a delightful house, which requires a lot of work, and I will be building a new studio, fully equipped for teaching again. Meanwhile I continue to teach at various locations (see my courses page)


Jan/Feb 2016


I have heard that both my paintings on vellum have been accepted for Botanica 2016 in Sydney !!!! So I am off on my travels soon.

The same day I also heard I was fast tracked to become an Associate Member of the SBA !!! Wow what a day that was....



Sept/Oct 2015

I am now working on paintings for an exhibition"Botanica 2016"  in The Royal Sydney Botanic Gardens , Australia in May 2016, and have decided to submit to the SBA for Associate Membership.


July/August 2015

I have been working on some paintings for two exhibitions coming up later in the year......

            "Remembering Heligan" at The Lost Gardens of Heligan , Cornwall                  Sat 19th September - Sun 4th October

            "Drawn to Nature" at  Hilliers Gardens, Romsey                                                   Thurs 1st October - Sun 11th October


May/June 2015

What an amazing few months and culmination to 3 years of hard work!!!  I was awarded an RHS Gold Medal in Botanical Art for my first solo exhibition, "Arisaemas for the Sheltered Garden or Greenhouse" !!  To top it all the RHS Lindley Library has purchased my painting of Arisaema speciosum var. mirabile for their collection. It will be on display in The Library for the next year for all Library tours.

My workshop on "How to get that WOW factor!" was fully subscribed and we spent 4 glorious days working on peonies and calla lilies.

"An introduction to Botanical Painting",  at RHS Rosemoor was a success, with 7 students new to the subject. Everyone worked very hard, and we enjoyed working with cosmos flowers and velvet textures on pansies.

March/April 2015

My RHS paintings are completed, and ready to go.  Cards printed, etc. All ready for hanging on 5th and 6th May (just 2 weeks away). I hope to see some friends and familiar faces at The RHS Malvern Spring Festival, 7th - 10th May 2015.

My Shaun-in-the-City sculpture is currently in Paternoster Square, and will eventually be sold to raise money for Children's hispitals throughout the UK. He is called Hamish and is sponsored by Walkers Shortbread Ltd.


January/February 2015

Back to my studio after being away for Christmas and the New Year. I didn't get as much done over the holiday period as I would have liked. Still, plenty of time.... I think.

Teaching is different this term. I am one of the gang. I have taken over a whole table, and Ijust monitor my regular students occasionally. I do enjoy their company whilst painting.

I decided to include the seventh painting of fruits for the RHS....   I've been working on it over Valentine's wekend. So glad I decided to include it.

Typing of the text nearly complete, planned the hanging layout, and ordered mounts for the show.  Just got to keep going with the paintings...


November 2014

Yipee... I have been invited to exhibit at the RHS Botanical Art Show, at Malvern Spring Show, 7th - 10th May 2015 (inc) !!!  Now I have to get on with my paintings !!!!!


July/August/September 2014

My commision for the bluebells is now finished, and the vellum was stitched to the backing board instead of being held behind the mount.

My RHS paintings are still coming along and I constantly rotate from one painting to another to keep them similar in style. Some have produced fruit, but get too heavy to ripen. It is a dilemna whether to include fruit in a separate painting.. I just can not decide. The dates have come through, together with invitations to apply to hang. .......   2015 is getting nearer !

I am planning for my September workshop "Harvest time": I want to keep it relatively simple but at the same time making sure there are plenty of challenges for the experienced painter as well as woderful material for beginners new to the studio, and botanical painting.  I have selected lovely French violet garlic plaits, and tied bunches of asparagus.


May/June 2014

My weekly classes this term have been wonderful. I have become part of "the gang" - painting with the class enjoying their company and not missing out on the gossip!  My RHS paintings are progressing slowly, but surely.

The Conker on String was shortlisted for the Royal Academy, but wasn't hung. Never mind, it came home for Dorset Art Weeks and was sold on the first day!!

The Studio, and six of us, have been working hard and planning for Dorset Art Weeks. It's been a tremendous success.  I have sold the Conker on String, the Acorn on my home page.  The Acorn was a very special painting in homage to Jenny Brasier, and sold to someone very special. The blue and green banded weevil together with the longhorn beetle were sold to a gentleman who specialises in bugs in Tewkesbury !!  I also have a lovely commission for bluebells, which will keep me busy ! It will be great to get back to the normal routine.


March/ April 2014

My Arisaemas are now growing and I am now concentrating on my RHS paintings hopefully for the RHS Botanical Art Exhibition in Spring 2015 .

My painting of the Conker on String has passed the first round of selection for the RA Summer Exhibition 2014. It has to be delivered to the Royal Academy on Friday 11th April - successful selections will be notified on 2nd May.


January/February 2014

Spring term classes are running with Tuesday and Thursday classes. Contact me for current availability on theses days. Occasional days may be possible - check my "Courses" page for more information, about term classes and my "Spring Flowers" workshop in April.

Work has begun in earnest for Dorset Art Weeks, 24th May - 8th June 2014 in my studio.  Six of us are exhibiting for the second time with the theme "Images from Nature" - do come along we will be open every day from 11.00am - 4.00pm.  

My Wasabi painting can now be viewed on The Wasabi Company's Facebook page !

October 2013   

I was elected a Fellow of The Linnean Society of London on 18th October, 2013. 

My Autumn classes are back in full swing, with the Tuesday group now in their 5th year, and my Thursday group in its 2nd year. There are still a few places available on Thursdays.

August 2013 

I have been invited to donate paintings to The Prince's Trust "An Evening of Art" auction in Bath this December. Two paintings have been selected from my website, the little Honey Bee; and the Spindle & Sloe Berries, painted on vellum. I am delighted to support such another worthwhile cause.


The Workshop on Edible Flower was a huge success, with delightful and intricate works of art from all who attended.

July 2013 

Preparation for my 3 or 4 day Workshop on Edible Flowers  in August is in full swing... a favourite subject of mine, and a workshop I have planned to hold for years. I am delighted it is fully booked.

April 2013 

I was one of the selected members from SWSBA, The South West Society of Botanical Artists, that exhibited as a group at the RHS London Orchid & Botanical Art Show 2013.

****We were awarded an RHS SILVER MEDAL for our themed exhibition entitled "Spots & Stripes".

March 2013 

I have been selected as one artist of 80 to take part in Gromit Unleashed in Bristol this summer.  Huge sculptures are to be painted and later auctioned to raise money for The Children's Hospital in Bristol - I am really proud to be part of this worthwhile cause. The exhibition begins on 1st July 2013 and runs for 10 weeks before the auction takes place in October. My sculpture is called "Dog Rose" - as a botanical artist asked to take part in this exhibition the theme just had to be the wild Dog Rose!!!  Keep your eye peeled for it once the exhibition starts.....  My sponsors for Dog Rose are AC Services (Southern) Ltd,  go to their website:

February 2013

I have finished working on a huge illustration of a wasabi plant for The Wasabi Company, Dorset. It has been a delight to do and I am glad they are pleased with the results. They are planning to use it on their website very soon. 

January 2013

A new year and lots of exciting projects. I am currently working on an illustration for a company to use for advertising.

My courses start in earnest - do go to the courses page for more information. After a very successful course The Eden Project, Alistair, Mally and I are running the Introduction to Botany and Botanical Drawing Course again this March.

The Eden Course is now full, but we are taking names on a waiting list!

2nd October 2012

My website was launched today with the help of my darling son.

September 2012
At the moment I am constructing my website – an unusual task for a botanical artist – so I got my son Ali to help. Do go to his website